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- BNP Paribas Hong Kong(法国巴黎银行·香港) - 人气指数:1564 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
The Hong Kong site of bank BNP Paribas. BNP Paribas is a European banking and financial group specialized in corporate, private and retail banking, investment, trade finance and services.
www.bnpparibas.com.hk - 2010-04-04 - 详细信息 - ORIX Asia Limited(欧力士·亚洲) - 人气指数:1697 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
欧力士(亚洲)有限公司于1971年在香港成立,为日本欧力士株式会社第一间海外全资子公司。欧力士(亚洲)有限公司与所属的子公司为企业或个人客户提供多方面金融服务,建立牢固的市场地位,业务包括私募股权、另类投资、投资银行、设备融资、跨境租赁、公司理财、汽车贷款、 游艇贷款、专业融资以及保险代理服务等。
www.orix.com.hk - 2010-04-04 - 详细信息 - ORIX(欧力士) - 人气指数:1510 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
ORIX Asia Limited was established in Hong Kong in 1971, it is a wholly owned subsidiary and the first overseas venture of ORIX Corporation.
www.orix.com - 2010-04-04 - 详细信息 - Hang Seng Bank(恒生银行) - 人气指数:1536 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
Hang Seng Bank is a world-class financial institution and one of Hong Kong’s largest listed companies in terms of market capitalisation. In keeping with our name, which means "ever-growing" in Chinese, we are growing alongside our customers.
www.hangseng.com - 2010-04-04 - 详细信息 - 东亚银行(中国) - 人气指数:1471 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
www.hkbea.com.cn - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息 - Bank of England(英格兰银行) - 人气指数:1518 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
The Bank sets interest rates to keep inflation low, issues banknotes and works to maintain a stable financial system.
www.bankofengland.co.uk - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息 - Asian Development Bank(亚洲开发银行) - 人气指数:1641 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
ADB is an international development finance institution whose mission is to help its developing member countries reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of their people.
www.adb.org - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息 - 中国建设银行(亚洲) - 人气指数:1452 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
China Construction Bank (Asia)'s official web site that provides information of our full array of personal banking, commercial banking and ebanking services, for latest interest and exchange rate and also for new marketing offers and company news.
www.asia.ccb.com - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息 - The World Bank(世界银行) - 人气指数:1539 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
The World Bank Group offers loans, advice, and an array of customized resources to more than 100 developing countries and countries in transition.
www.worldbank.org - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息 - Standard Chartered Bank(渣打银行) - 人气指数:1674 PageRank:0 AlexaRank:0
Standard Chartered Bank provides personal and business banking services in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, UK, Europe and the Americas - Your right partner for banking.
www.standardchartered.com - 2010-04-02 - 详细信息
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